Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Autumn in Czech Republic


· 28. September – state holiday, the Holy Václav
· 28. October – state holiday
· November – state holiday

Feast in Pouzdřany
Pouzdřany is a village of Czech Republic. In Pouzdřany live a approximately 650 occupant.
A every year is in Pouzdřany the traditional feast. Always near 28. September, on the state holiday, holy Václav. On the faest always come pilgrimage.

Autumnal labours
Ona autumn are pursue a autumnal labours: picking onions, carrots, salads, kohlrabis, apples, tomatoes, peppers, plough a garden, hideing a plants to protect fromwinter
On autumn come down a foliage.
On autumn change a foliages‘ colour on a red, a yellow, a green - yellow…
On autumn begin a school.
On autumn is a weather manifold.
On autumn we a produce spectre of pumpkin.

For all of us autumn is beautiful!!!

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